Thursday, May 7, 2009

An Addiction....

Hah, Got you atthe title didn't I?

It is an addiction yes...but to any substance. This would be an addiction to words. To make myself even more clear, I am obsessed with reading and a good fiction book is always welcome on my book shelf (which no longer possesses any room for what books I currently do have). I try to avoid re-reading a book if I can, unless I absolutely love it and I won't become bored at the storyline. Among such books include Ella Enchanted, and a few others. What I really can't wait for, is a new book in a series.

So far, every ending to a series has disappointed me. The Twilight series being the best example. I detest the last book, which ruined the entire series for me. I won't get rid of the books, but I refuse to read them again. Harry Potter just confused me to the point that I couldn't keep up with who was who in the end and I lost interest.

However, there are series that keep pulling me in! A dragon series (The Fire Within, Icefire, etc.) was one of them. The ideas and the plot line kept pulling me in that I don't care that the targeted audience is just a few years below me.

The one series that I absolutely love, is the Young Wizards series. I would hate to hear anyone ask if it's a rip off of HP...considering the first book was released fifteen years before HP was ever thought of by its respective author. The fact that it's open-ended and books continue to be released make it even more enjoyable for me. The small fact that the next book in the series, A Wizard on Mars, is due to come out later this year, is just torture. I can't wait for it to come out, and I want to read it! All I can do is re-read the already published first eight books of the series that I currently own as I wait (considering I'm on the seventh one now, I'm still going to be in torture as there is no definite date of release. The fact that the author, Diane Duane, is [I think] a British author, I think I'll have to wait for an even longer period of time).

Another book I'm waiting for, with just a tad bit less enthusiasm, is The Sorceress. This book from the Secrets of Nicholas Flamel (if I got that right, either way the first book is The Alchemyst by Michael Scott).

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