Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi again

Wow, we fail at keeping to this blog...

Anyway, I thought I should say "hi" and play catch up. First off, I'm having quite a problem figuring out exactly what I want to write about. And for what I considered to be my current project, seemed to fall out of my grasp and leave me wondering again. So, I still need to think of a new project. Meanwhile, I'm still editing Warrior so that I can have it published. It's gained quite a few many words from when I first finished. I've gone from 10,000 to 13,000 words and those are just basic estimates and not even properly estimated.

I'm hoping that I can add a bit more detail (as I am currently in the process of) and raising the word count even further to at least 16,000. That is my goal for Warrior.

Well that's it for now.

Monday, June 15, 2009

An Author's Words

Warrior is complete, as a draft. So now I have to edit and proof everything and all that. Shame it came out shorter than I had hoped. Well, it's how it wrote itself anyway so I can't really complain. Except it drives me crazy that I have nothing to write now! After a near two years on the same project, it's hard to think of somthing else to work on. I really enjoyed working on Warrior and now I'm at a loss as to what to write now.

Insert a big author's sigh here

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Warrior Update

I'm finally about to start chapter 10 of Warrior, my first real story that I think will prove to be worth all the hassle. It's shorter than I would have hoped, the chapters are really short, but I hope that won't be a problem.

I still have to go through the entire proofreading once I've finished. And I hope to get some feedback on the completed draft that I can make the appropriate edits and add what may need to be added. Then, maybe, I could get Warrior published! That, however, seems to be the hard part.

Published, that's my goal. But getting there, that'll be tough to achieve. It's a path I want to follow, and I'm prepared (hopefully) for whatever happens.


Monday, June 1, 2009

A Writer's Woes

Warrior, the one project I'm determined to follow through! And yet I'm not entirely satisfied with it. It seems short, and I don't know what to do about that....Most of the chapters are 1-3 pages, and I'm on chapter 7 (typing) and chapter 8 (handwritten). How do I expect this to be the novel I want it to become? I may have to just create a collection of short stories with specialized traits if this keeps up. Honesly, I thought it would be much longer....I can't help but to be disapointed with myself for coming up short (it's how I see it). I know that the story is good, I have had...well...a tiny bit of feedback. Which isn't encouraging at all!

What to do, what to do....How do I get it out for people to see when I'm afraid it'll be taken from me and skewed to something else and then it won't be my daughter anymore....(Yes, yes, I'm works are my babies....I can't help it!) But I want the feedback that I'm not getting from outside sources....I just want to know what I can add and what might need changing....

And there you have rant. -Fia

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Song from Linkin Park

New Divide has become a new favorite of mine. I reccomend it to those of you who are interested in listening to check it out on the main site or to download (buy) from iTunes (seeing as it's exclusive to iTunes).

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Ok, so I wasn't entirely wrong....

Diane Duane isn't a British writer though (this is what I get for posting without actually looking anything Sup!!!!), however, I was close (in terms of location). She lives in Ireland. This still doesn't help the wait factor if I'm right that Europe is going to be receiving their copies first. Yet hopefully, if they do, I might be able to score myself with a copy!

Yet it doesn't seem plausible when I try to look for release list "late 2009" (which I really hope for). And the publisher lists "4/1/2010", but that's under paperback so it's not really wanted information. I wan't the hardback, to go with my hardback Wizard's at War!

Maybe re-reading the entire Young Wizards series isn't going to be enough to help the waiting.....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

An Addiction....

Hah, Got you atthe title didn't I?

It is an addiction yes...but to any substance. This would be an addiction to words. To make myself even more clear, I am obsessed with reading and a good fiction book is always welcome on my book shelf (which no longer possesses any room for what books I currently do have). I try to avoid re-reading a book if I can, unless I absolutely love it and I won't become bored at the storyline. Among such books include Ella Enchanted, and a few others. What I really can't wait for, is a new book in a series.

So far, every ending to a series has disappointed me. The Twilight series being the best example. I detest the last book, which ruined the entire series for me. I won't get rid of the books, but I refuse to read them again. Harry Potter just confused me to the point that I couldn't keep up with who was who in the end and I lost interest.

However, there are series that keep pulling me in! A dragon series (The Fire Within, Icefire, etc.) was one of them. The ideas and the plot line kept pulling me in that I don't care that the targeted audience is just a few years below me.

The one series that I absolutely love, is the Young Wizards series. I would hate to hear anyone ask if it's a rip off of HP...considering the first book was released fifteen years before HP was ever thought of by its respective author. The fact that it's open-ended and books continue to be released make it even more enjoyable for me. The small fact that the next book in the series, A Wizard on Mars, is due to come out later this year, is just torture. I can't wait for it to come out, and I want to read it! All I can do is re-read the already published first eight books of the series that I currently own as I wait (considering I'm on the seventh one now, I'm still going to be in torture as there is no definite date of release. The fact that the author, Diane Duane, is [I think] a British author, I think I'll have to wait for an even longer period of time).

Another book I'm waiting for, with just a tad bit less enthusiasm, is The Sorceress. This book from the Secrets of Nicholas Flamel (if I got that right, either way the first book is The Alchemyst by Michael Scott).

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I too have joined the Twitter craze, , go check it out for little tiny updates aside from this blog. Sorry I have been gone for a bit, had to get thoughts together, I got a true novel in the works now.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Random Tech Speak?

Well, I'm finally sick of sitting and waiting. I will finally fix my acursed computer! I've already run a defrag about five times, I'm running disc cleanup for about the seventh time (all within two days~).

Tonight I plan to start a thorough scan to check for any viruses and then I'll run another defrag....And then I'll back everything up before starting my experiments in restoration!

This is making my head spin....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hoops & Yoyo

Since my sixteenth birthday I've loved their cards! They're so cute and funny it's hard not to love them....

Well, now I've gotten a bit obsessed, because for my friend's birthday's that are coming up, I've gotten them cards. Time to spread the word on Hoops & Yoyo's awesomeness!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Broken Inside

Here we go, a poetic update (if you want to call it that.....)
Well, enjoy and see you all again next time!

Forgotten again
the assignments given
another zero
to add to my falling grade.

A test today
I managed to study last night
but in vain
I failed the test
information was never absorbed.

Formulas to memorize
but I cannot recall
what the functions I need are
and I guess the answer to the problem
knowing that I might as well have left it blank.

Voices all around me
lecturing about the numbers on the paper
I am not meeting their expectations
and they are angry
that I cannot manage to know what I have been taught
they cannot understand why I fail.

Voices all around me
wishing for me to be what I have not become
they wish for me to acheive
what I think I shall never be able to accomplish
to go where I can learn more
yet I do not believe I will ever make it there.

I tried to learn
yet even so I fell behind again
and my mind once more
rejected that which it fails to understand
and once more
I fail
and I wish for an escape from this reality.

One spirit ties me down
and I cannot bear to loose that
which holds me together.

My fragmented self
torn apart by my depression
the abuse I give to my mind
as I scold myself for my failure
yet it never changes
my stubborn mind refuses to budge
from where it is set.

Tears unseen
and tears that flow freely
my mind wishes to shatter
and end its torturous existance.

However I cannot let that happen
I must remain as one
for that one spirit that I now live for
who holds my heart
so I must stay strong.

Voices all around me
drag me down into the darkness of my heart
and once more I drift in the night
my soul aching to reveal itself
yet my talents are not welcome
so they stay hidden inside me
sealed away from the world
where they cannot grow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

News March 2nd 2009

Ok first off! Linkage!:
New Comic Series:
Art and Stuff!:
My Yahoo:
Xbox360 GamerTag: HedgeCloud

Ok, so yeah I am sorry I have been dead for a bet, turned seventeen woot! So, let us see what has happened so you guys can know what is going on with me. First off, I am going to be an adult in a year or so, meaning that I have to make money; so soon I will be trying to sell merchandise here are a few examples. With my new comic series I hope to get enough fans to get me to make shirts of the characters, considering that pokemon is (C) nintendo, but my characters aren't. So besides that, I will also try to publish my book soon, free viewing of few of the chapters will be on my deviantart. Stay tune for new and interesting stuff, I swear!


New Chinese new year, hope every one's lunar year is a good one!

I have a few poems I would like to share with everyone next time. So stay tuned and I'll put them up eventually. Also, we're still working out a main stream comic but we do have page one of a Pokemon fan-fic comic up on DrunkDuck. Hope you all check it out!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hey all, sorry that we have been so busy. I promise a few new stories will be posted up soon and so will our main stream online comic! So until then check out Fia's and my DA for art and stories.
-Comic/Manga on DrunkDuck
-A Legally Insane Forum
-A Legally Insane Website

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope your Christmas and New Year were more than enjoyable. I know ours was here at Legally Insane.I'm hoping that we'll continue to provide you with entertainment! And may the New Year bring you all good fortune (and that doesn't just deal with riches)!